I don't know why, but when my friend Greg told me he found a Hodaka, I had to have it. A little wheeling and dealing later, and it was mine! A 1970 Ace 100.
Got it running which you can see the video here and decided it would be cool to do a cheater restoration. But life and work got in the way, and into the corner it went.
Then another showed up! And half a motor. And extra carbs! I became a Hodaka Magnet. Upon stripping bike#2 I officially had a pile Hodakas. Too bad I couldn't get the carbs when I needed them.
After having to transport the pile, I decided it was time to do something. Hodaka #1 will need some attention, so I figured on putting together Hodaka #2 as a trials bike. Since this was an excersize in cheap, I grabbed some left over gray and I used for a XR400 frame and got to work. A bit of cleaning and polishing, a couple spray cans of black, and I had a pretty descent rolling chassis
To save some time (and work!), I stole the engine out of #1 along with ignition and exhaust.
Check out those trick Tommaselli handlebars! Thanks Henry. All that was left was to rig up a seat. Ten bucks and a bit of figuring...Hodaka Complete!!!
Now all I've got to do is find time to ride! (probably the hardest part)